Having explored a fairly wide variety of online learning experiences, I’ve observed plenty of wonderful content and ingenious ideas. Unfortunately, I have never seen learning content presented in a comprehensive package – a satisfying learning experience. Fortunately, we’re on the brink of a Learning Renaissance. Read on to learn how it will be organized. The […]
Five Ways To Use Learninate
The social network for learning, Learninate, is a free-to-use platform for sharing knowledge and skills. Anyone can use it, and so here are five examples of people who could find it useful. Private tutor The intimacy of 1:1 or small group tutoring has no substitute. Private teachers make the most of the limited time they […]
Call for learning content creators (teachers too)
At Learninate, everyone is both a learner and a teacher. Indeed, the highest mode of learning is teaching, and the best teachers are those who are as much engaged in learning as their students. That’s why all you need to do to become a Learninate teacher is complete one course, How To Create A Learninate […]
Announcing Learninate – The social network for learning
About six months ago, I committed to creating a social network for learning. After many late nights and early mornings, I’m thrilled to announce that Learninate is online. Its mission is to promote, encourage, and celebrate lifelong learning. The next challenge is to find passionate people willing to create courses to share their curiosity, expertise, […]