Five Ways To Use Learninate

The social network for learning, Learninate, is a free-to-use platform for sharing knowledge and skills. Anyone can use it, and so here are five examples of people who could find it useful.

Private tutor

The intimacy of 1:1 or small group tutoring has no substitute. Private teachers make the most of the limited time they have with students, and can make that time even more productive by creating essential online content on Learninate.

Inspired by the ‘flipped classroom’, you can create and curate lessons that would benefit many, if not most of your students. You could have an introduction and survey to allow your new students get to know about you and you to learn about them. If you develop a bank of lessons, you could assign and link your students to the lessons most relevant to their unique needs. You could even expand your circle of potential clients by tutoring online, using your online lessons as the foundation of your business.


Many writers blog to promote their books, and in doing so add immense value to the online learning landscape. Why not create an online course around your books?

Readers could earn badges for completing basic quizzes about each chapter of a novel or nonfiction book, or expand their knowledge and understanding beyond the original text.

Social influencer

Starting a movement or establish a tribe? Surely there are essential knowledge and vital skills that your prospective followers need, so create a course! Completing the course could be a prerequisite for membership in your club, or just a recommended resource to get everyone on the same page.

Already broadcasting your message on YouTube? Then you should curate your key content into lessons and courses that maintain the attention of your audience and empower them to feel that they can master and carry your teachings to new audiences.


The greatest challenge of coaching in sports is getting the right lesson to the right player at the right moment, while at the same time using precious practice time to build team cohesion and group skills.

Learninate can be a coach’s online assistant. With courses designed to teach and reinforce essential skills, your coaching can go online to build independence in your players. This would also help to develop deeper talent by giving backup and reserve players access to invaluable skills practice.

There’s also the potential to upgrade your recruiting by creating an online orientation for new or prospective players.

In his book, A Game Plan For Life, John Wooden wrote, “A coach’s primary function should be not to make better players, but to make better people.” Empower your players to become better players independently through your online courses. Then you can free up practice time to focus on teamwork, executing as a group, and developing personal discipline and esprit de corps.


Do you have a hobby that you want to share with the world? Teach us all about it! Every minute of every day, people search online about ‘how to’ do all kinds of things. Often they find unreliable content that doesn’t necessarily get them started on the right path. That’s where you come in!

Create the definitive online course about your vocation and help foster a generation of makers! Best of all, your student could earn badges on Learninate as they deepen and broaden their skills, documenting their growth along the way.

The Learninate challenge

Creating a course is not easy. It will require you to pursue a challenging inquiry of your own, but I am here to help. The social network for learning needs you! Register now and begin your 21st century teaching journey by completing the How to Create a Learninate Course!