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If you’re thinking about writing a book, use these font size and name procedures from cheap ebook writing services in USA, as we’re sure they’ll come in handy.

1. Ensure that your book cover typography is distinct enough to be read. Almost everyone judges a book by its cover. On average, a bookstore Brower spends no more than ten seconds looking at the front cover of a book and no more than twenty seconds looking at the back cover.

2. The following are the most commonly used typefaces for book body text:

• Baskerville
• Bembo
• Garamond
• Janson
• Palatino
• Times Roman.

3. It is difficult to read the entire book if you use a Sans serif font. Furthermore, you should not use fonts smaller than eight sizes for body text, such as Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, and Verdana. Aside from these, if you use serif fonts for your body text, such as Garamond, Palatino, Berkeley, and so on, they should not be smaller than ten sizes.

4. Convection in typography understands that sans serif faces should be used to display headers and book covers. Serif typefaces, on the other hand, are popular for body text because they are easy to read.

5. It is preferable to use larger font sizes for the header and much larger font sizes for the body.


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