Recruit your friends to earn badges!

The social network for learning, Learninate, launched in June 2018. I appreciate everyone who has registered, and now would like to reach out to try to triple the number of registered users by the end of the year. Simply, if everyone who is currently on the site can recruit two friends, we would achieve that goal.

I’ve put together a simple form, Learninate Recruiting Drive!, as part of a recruitment incentive program. When someone you know signs up, simply input their username and yours. At milestones of 2, 5, 10, etc, you will receive special recruiter badges. These badges may also earn you special deals and opportunities in the future!

Building an online community around learning is a worthy challenge, and will only become more engaging and enjoyable by growing the number and diversity of its members.

Please share a link to to invite and recruit all of the passionate lifelong learners you know!

neon welcome sign

photo CC2.0 by Jimmy_Joe via Flickr